Page 21 - Yidishe Tzeit - אידישע צייט
P. 21
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

Helps You Lose Weight Easily,
Safely, and Nutritiously.

Maxi Thin Supreme™ D&S Support™ is a START THE CONVERSATION
supports your weight loss with a super-food supplement
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experts. Maxi Thin Supreme is a minerals, fibers, and
blend of fat-burning Tonalin® nature’s most or give us a call at 718.787.1235 for
CLA, borage oil (providing GLA), nutrition-dense expert advice and answers, any time.
coconut oil, omega-3-rich ingredients—including Bee
flaxseed oil and evening Pollen, Fenugreek, Flax
primrose oil. Seed, and Spirulina.

Take 6 Maxi Thin Supreme daily*, two (2) before each
meal* and take 3 D&S Support tablets with a full glass of
water up to three times daily*

*or as directed by a doctor or specialist

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