Page 12 - Yidishe Tzeit - אידישע צייט
P. 12
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

support your blood sugar levels

and improve diabetes control

Maxi Glucose Support™ is an advanced formula that chromium, cinnamon, fenugreek, vanadium & alpha
combines potent vitamins, antioxidants, and chelated OLSRLFDFLGELRưDYRQRLGVELOEHUU\5HVYHUDWUROOXWHLQ
minerals that support healthy glucose levels and may B-6, B-12 & zinc that work together to improve blood
assist in healing nerve damage caused by diabetes. ưRZHDVHVZHOOLQJLQWKHERG\DQGVORZWKHDEVRUSWLRQ
This powerful supplement includes ingredients like of sugar, leading to reduced blood sugar levels.

Take three (3) Maxicaps™ once or twice daily* *or as directed by a doctor or specialist

START THE Have questions Email our nutritionist at or give us a
CONVERSATION about blood sugar? call at 718.787.1235 for expert advice and answers, any time.
*or as directed by a doctor or specialist


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