Page 18 - News Report - די צייטונג
P. 18
S REPORT FRIDAY, MARCH 18-20, '20 • • ç "ÈÉ ,¸²´Æç -»³Æ¸´ 'ç ,±¯·¸¸Çà ±¿´·¸¸Å ¸²

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March 17, 2020 21 Adar 5780

Brooklyn, NY 11204
As per the p’sak halacha of our daas torah, Rav Yechezkel Roth shlit”a,
(718) 854-4548 whose day to day guidance directs our organization, we will be suspending all deliveries of shiva chairs and gemach supplies
effective immediately because of the coronavirus outbreak.

There is no doubt that this is an bxsjmeyw{s and that it is incumbent upon
each of us to do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Rabbi Roth
has made it very clear that there is no mitzvah for face to face nichum
aveilim at this time, and that, for now, the telephone is the optimal way
to comfort those who are sitting shiva. Furthermore, Rabbi Roth has
instructed aveilim to sit shiva in separate rooms to prevent family members
from infecting each other.

As difficult as this decision is for us, we have no choice but to proceed
along this path for now l’tovas harabim. It is imperative for each of us to do
our part to prevent the additional spread of coronavirus, a goal we can only
achieve through social distancing and other safety measures.

We will continue to maintain our shiva listings, as always. Phone numbers
will be listed on our website for current aveilim who authorize us to share
that information so that people can perform the mitzvah of nichum aveilim
over the phone. The email condolence feature on our website will continue
to be operational.

All other Misaskim services, such as Emergency Operations, will continue.

We hope that Hakadosh Baruch Hu hears our tefilos and that, B’ezras
Hashem, the coronavirus will be contained shortly, allowing all of us to
resume our regular day to day lives.

B’suros Tovos,

Rabbi Yankie Meyer
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