Page 20 - News Report - די צייטונג
P. 20
S REPORT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, '18 • • ·"ÁÈÉ ,³ÇÈ ¸¸¶ 'ç ,±¯·¸¸Çà ±¿´·¸¸Å ¸²

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YOUR HOME genuine leather »·ÊÆ »µ º´Ä¾Æ ,Á˺ÂÄÀ ÄÊĺ¾Ä »µ Á·Æ º¾Ä¶ ¾ÄºÂÄÀ ÄÊÄÃij ¼»·² Á·² ¾²ÊºÂ²É
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with our gorgeous hi-riser sofa bed. or fabric. òµ Á·² º»·Ê³ ˸µ²Âʲ-»ÊijÀÄÊÉ »µ º»À ¸² ºÃ·²··Ä´ Á²º´Â»Ë²·· Á»² ÊÄÊ»Æ
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separate beds ÄË»º²»Êº²Ĕ ÁÄ··Ä´ ¼»·² ÁÄÂĸ »µ Á»² ´Â·ÊĵÂÄ ÄË»º²À²Êµ ² Á»»¸ ºÄ··
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FRIEDMAN Full decorating service ĺ»»··È òµ ,"ÁĔ·Êº ÄÊĸ·² ºÈ»ºË" Á³»»¾³ ºÄ·· ²··É÷º²ºÃ Êĵ ¸²
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We stock the latest fabrics and trims ² ÊĽĶ ,"Ä»»Ë »µ ÄÉ»ÊÄÀ²" º»»ºË ¾²¸ ¼»² :ÁºÄ³Ä´ ¼»¸ º²¶ ÊÄ .ÁÄ»»Â²³
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For bedrooms, dining rooms ºÈ»ÊÉĴû·² º²¶'À ò·· Å»·² ,´Ê²³ ÊÄÆÄ˲³ Êĵ ¸² Ì·¾»ÆÌ Ì»Ê¹Ë Ä½»¾´Äº
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All work done on premises .ÁºÂĵ»¸ÄÊĔ ÊIJɻÊÄÀ² ?ÊÄÊ»Æ ÄÊĸ·² ÁÄÂĸ ·²·· .ºÊĽ»¸Ê²Æ
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Dear Neighbors, ĺƲ Á² ÊÄ»»¸ Êĵ»»¾ ¼²µ .ÁºÂ²Ê´»À»² »µ Ê²Æ Å¾»¶ Ê»²
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During these tumultuous times in our country we need stability, we need strength and we need ÄÂĺ»¾Ä´ »µ Ê²Æ ÁƾĶ·Èû·Ê² ¾²ÀºÆ² ÁÄÀ·É ¿»¾¾ĔÌÀ »µ Á·Æ ¼²Ã
our voices to be heard and represented in government. This is why we feel that is very important Á»² ÃÄ»¾»À²Æ »µ Ê²Æ Á·² ² ÁÄ··Ä´ ¼²Â ¸»² ÊÄ ÁÄ·· .¾¶·Ë Á»² ºÄĔË
to write this letter in our support of State Senator Marty Golden who is running for reelection Áº½²Êº ÊÄ º´Ä¾Æ ¾ĔÀĺ ¿Äµ Á»² »»³²Ê
on Tuesday, November 6. .´Ê·³Ãº»Ĕ ¸² Á´»²·Ê²³ ¼»¸ º´Ä¾Æ ÊÄ Á·² ,Á·ÆÊĵ
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Senator Golden represents our community, District 22, and has been since 2002. In his long ÁÊÄû·² ÊÄ»ºÃľ²Ĕ Êĵ Á»»¸ Á˺ÂÄÀ ÊÄ´»È»·· ˺²½
tenure, Golden has fought to maintain our conservative values and is always focused on ´²ºÂ·¸ ¼»·² º²¶ Êĺû»À ¸»² ºÈ»² Á·² ,¶Â½Ã ² ·È º¾ÄºËĴû·²

addressing local issues. Whether it be on national issues such as the defining legal marriage, or ÄË»ºÃ»Ê²Êĺ »µ ºÀ²µÊ²Æ .Áʲ··Ä´ º½»¾ÉÊ»··Ê²Æ Êĵ»»¾ òµ
specific issues that hit us here at home such as the City Council-approved five-cent NYC grocery "¿»»¹ ÇÄ" »µ Á´ÄÉ Äɲº²
bag tax, speed cameras and securing our houses of worship, Senator Golden had always stood ÁĴ·À²µÊ²Æ Ľ»¾ÂÄ .¾ÆÀĺ ÁÊĶ ·È Á³»·¶Ä´Â² ÁÄÀ º²¶ ´²ºÂ·¸
by us. ÁÄÀ·É·È»»Ê² Á³»·¶Ä´Â² Á³²¶ ÁÄÂĸ ò·· Áµ»² »µ Á·Æ Ì·¾ÄÀ Á·² ¿»µĔö
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We are fortunate to have Senator Felder, who although elected as a Democrat, caucuses with the »µ·²Ã ºÂĽÄÊĴ»»Ê² ,ÊĵÂľ ò·· ÄÃÄÊĔ ľ²É²¾ »µ Á»² ºÊ»È»¾³·Ĕ
Republicans to give them the majority, which gives them a lot of power to negotiate for our Á·² ,Á»Äʽ²³ Á·² ʲº²É ,Ä»³²Ê² ,Áµ»² »µ Á·Æ ¿»Â½Ë Á·Æ ºÊĶĴ º²¶'À
community and the things we care about. Marty Golden is the last remaining Republican senator Á²··¾»Ã ÊÄ´»ÊÄ» 86 Êĵ ¸² ,.Ë.³.È.··
in our borough making it crucial that we keep him in office so he can advocate on matters that ,ûÂÊij »·ÊÆ Ä´»ÊÄ» 84 Á»»¸ Á·² Á²À»»Ã
Á·² ĺ·´ Ľ»¾ÂÄ··Ä´ÊÄû·² ÁÄ··Ä´ ÁÄÂĸ
are very important to the Jewish community including tuition tax credits that help our yeshivas ʲµ²Ã²³À² ÊÄ»ºÃľ²Ĕ Êĵ
parents. ·¾»Æ² º²¶ µÂ²¾´ÂÄ Á»² .¿»Â½Ë Ľ»¾ºÂ»»ÊÆ
ÁÄÀ·ÉÄ´Ê²Æ ·¾»Æ² ¸»² ¶Â·Ì¹ ÊÄ»»¸
If Senator Golden loses the election, he not only loses his seat, but we also lose our power as a »µ Á»² º»··º ² ºÉ»ËĴû·Ê²
unified community. Golden stands with us. Let’s go to the booths and show that we stand with ´»µÂĴ²¾Ê²Æ ,¼²ÊĔË ÄË»¾´ÂÄ .'56 ,ÊijÀÄÈĵ Á»² ¾ĔÀĺ ¿Äµ Á»²
him as well, and support his continued work on behalf of our neighborhoods. Åʲµ" Äɲº² Ľ»¾ÊĵÊÄÀ »µ ¸² ¿Äµ½²Â ¸² º¾»»ÈÊĵ º²¶ Á½Ë Á»»²

We urge you to go to out and vote for Marty Golden on Tuesday, November 6th as this can be ÁºÃ»ÊÉ (¾»µ³¶¾) ,Áµ»² Á´»Â»»²Ê²Æ
one of the most important elections for our neighborhood and for the Jewish community at large. ² Ê²Æ ÊÄÂÄÀ¾·Ã·À Á·²
ºÊ²Ã ľ² Á´ÄÉ ÅÀ²É Á¸²¾'¶ÊËĔ

Regards, ¸»² Çʲ¶ Á»»À .¿¸»Ã²Ê Á·² ò¶

Shauly Singer, Moti Katz, Dr. Stuart Abrams, Yanky Davis, Chaskel Bennet, ̷³ÊÉ »µ Á·Æ ÃÄ»¾»À²Æ »µ º»À
".ɾ²Æ ÊIJɻÊÄÀ² Á·Æ Á·²

Leon Goldenberg, Shiye Ostreicher, Barry Katz, Ronald Tawil, Sam Sutton, ÁÄÀ º²¶ ¼»¾µÂĺËÊ²Æ »··

Rabbi Jacob Klass, Rabbi Shlomo Braun µ»»¾º»À Á·² ÊÄ»·Êº ÁÄÀ·É²³ ¼»·²
º¾Ä·· ³ÊÄÀ »µ Á·Æ Áɷʵû·²
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